250GSM Cake Disc White Round 24.7cm - 100pk

250GSM Cake Disc White Round 24.7cm - 100pk

Cat# DOR247

Out of stock

Nutritional Information

Gluten Statement NA
Allergen Statement NA
Storage NA
Other Storage info NA
Country of Origin Made in China
Food Safety Description 250GSM Cake Disc White Round 24.7cm - 100pk
Classification NA
General Packaging NA
Special Handling Instructions NA
Contents Carrier NA
Freeze Thaw Stable NA
General Technical NA
GMO Status NA
Halal Status NA
Kosher Status NA
Shelf Life NA
Suggested Dosage NA

The above information is private & confidential and is the property of GoBake Ltd as the manufacturer and/or supplier. The information contained in the material is privileged and is intended for the individual (s) or entity (s) to whom it is directly provided. The information herein is to the best of our knowledge, as supplied by the manufacturer, true and accurate. Any recommendations are made without warranty or guarantee, implied or otherwise, since the conditions of use are beyond our control. Unauthorised disclosure, copying or distribution of this specification is strictly prohibited.

Product Information

Pack size

Units per Barcode Gross Kg Dimensions (mm) Cubic Measurement
Package 1 pack 9.41497E+12 Kg x x m3
Inner 1 pack
Inner Box 1 pack NA Kg x x m3
Shipper 10 pack 1.9415E+13 Kg x x 0.029 m3